Loading Of Unpacked Extensions Is Disabled By Administrator Eclipse

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  1. Loading Of Unpacked Extensions Is Disabled By Administrator Eclipse For Pc
  2. Loading Of Unpacked Extensions Is Disabled By The Administrator Selenium C#
  3. Options.setexperimentaloption('useautomationextension', False);

C# - Unable to open chrome browser using Selenium Webdriver. Loading unpacked extensions are disabled by administrator I am automating my application using Selenium Webdriver, C#, Visual Studio and Chrome browser. Getting POP UP with Failed to load extension from: C: Users AppData Local Temp scopeddir internal. Loading of unpacked extensions is disabled by the administrator. #4675 bashettiwarrajesh opened this issue Sep 11, 2017 1 comment.

by Martin Brinkmann on May 28, 2014 in Google Chrome - 16 comments

Google knows what is best for you, that's why Chrome Stable and Chrome Beta on Windows block extensions that have not been installed from the Chrome Web Store as of today.

You will receive a notification stating 'unsupported extensions disabled' with no option to re-enable the extension again in the browser directly.

Why is Google doing so? According to the company, to make Chrome safer and protect users from malicious browser extensions that may have been installed without their knowledge.

While the move will certainly protect some Chrome users by disabling malicious or unwanted extensions, it does punish other users of the browser who know what they are doing and have installed non-store extensions deliberately.

Google's move may not be entirely altruistic considering that it gets more control over which extensions are allowed and which are not based on store's policies.

Google's paternalism affects only Windows users who run Stable or Beta versions of the browser, and only extensions that are not listed in store either privately or publicly.

The Dev and Canary channels of Chrome on Windows, and all browser channels for Linux, Mac and ChromeOS are not affected by the new policy.

So what can you do if you have received the unsupported extensions disabled notification in Chrome but want to keep using extensions that have been blocked by the browser automatically?

Here are your options:

1. Install Chrome Developer or Canary instead. The two channels are not affected by the policy yet. Check out our Chrome upgrade guide which walks you through the process.

2. Switch to Chromium instead. Consider this a development version as well. It is like Chrome, but without Google-specific features.

3. Switch to Opera browser. Since Opera uses the same core as Chrome, it supports the majority of extensions for the browser as well. Read how to install Chrome extensions in Opera for information on how to do that.

4. Use Developer Mode. Open chrome://extensions and check the developer mode option at the top.

You need to extract the extension file (.crx) on your system for this to work. The easiest way to handle this is to download the extension again from the developer website. Right-click the extension again and extract it to a folder on your system. I'm using the free software 7-Zip for that operation.

Now that you have extracted the extension, click on load unpacked extension and select the folder that you have extracted the extension files to.

The extension will be installed and won't be removed on the next start of the browser. Chrome will display a 'disable developer mode extensions' notification though in the browser, but you can cancel that to skip it. Note that it will display the message on every start of the browser.

5. Install using Enterprise policies. Consult this support page on the Google website for instructions on how to do so. On Windows, you can use the Group Policy for that or by pre-installing extensions via master_preferences.

Closing Words

The easiest option to deal with the issue is to switch to Dev or Canary channels of the browser. This may not be possible all the time though, especially if you cannot or don't want to run beta versions of the browser on your system. Chromium is not an alternative in this case as well, which leaves Opera or installing extensions using the developer mode.

Opera may lack features that you require, and developer mode displays the annoying notification message every time you start the browser.

There is not really a solution that works without issues which is unfortunate.

Unsupported extensions disabled: how to re-enable blocked extensions in Chrome
Google is now enforcing a policy affecting Chrome Stable and Beta versions that deactivates extensions not available in the official Chrome Web Store automatically.

When am running my webdriver script, am getting a confirmation dialog box with below message:

Error Loading Extension

Could not load extension from 'C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalTempscoped_dir6312_32763internal'. Loading of unpacked extensions is disabled by the administrator.

Would you like to retry?

Yes No

Clicking 'yes' lets the tests run.

I am not sure why am I getting this dialog box prompted,

I've tried the mentioned workarounds below but neither of them are working:

  1. Replaced chrome driver with latest version.
  2. Added below code in my script:

Below is my Test method:

Below is the method which invoke the browser:

Could there be anything else that I should incorporate in my script to prevent the dialog box.

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8 Answers

You can set the useAutomationExtension capability to false.

This capability will help to not load Chrome Automation extension. Due to which, 'Failed to load extension' popup would not appear.

But please note you will not be able to perform any window resizing/positioning operations without the Chrome automation extension.

Hope this helps!

Source : https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=1749

5,6655 gold badges31 silver badges65 bronze badges
Swetha KandimallaSwetha Kandimalla

I encountered this same issue after upgrading to ChromeDriver v2.29. I have Chrome v58.0. It looks like an open issue: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=639#c26

Depending on your versions, YMMV, in my case, I had to downgrade to ChromeDriver v2.27.

Loading Of Unpacked Extensions Is Disabled By Administrator Eclipse For Pc


This error message...

Error Loading Extension

Could not load extension from 'C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalTempscoped_dir6312_32763internal'. Loading of unpacked extensions is disabled by the administrator.

Would you like to retry?

Yes No

...implies that an extension was not been loaded as it was disabled by the administrator.

As per Issue 1749: Failed to load extention from: ... Loading of unpacked extensions is disabled by the administratorChromeDriver uses Chrome automation extension for automating various functions like window sizing, window positioning, etc.

The Failed to load extension.. popup means that this extension has not been loaded. If you manually close the popup, browser will act normally and ChromeDriver commands will continue to work as expected. But in this case if you try executing window resizing or window re-positioning commands, it will throw an error as unknown error: cannot get automation extension.

Till ChromeDriver v2.28 whenever an organizations admin policy forbidden extensions, to bypass the restriction users have used the argument disable-extensions as follows:

and it worked perfecto.

ChromeDriver v2.28 onwards, whenever disable-extensions flag is passed by test, ChromeDriver implicitly passes disable-extensions-except flag which in turn loads Chrome automation extension. This extension helps Chromedriver to perform window sizing and window re-positioning operations.

So, if your organizational admin policy blocks extensions, display of popup Failed to load extension from: ... Loading of unpacked extensions is an expected behavior.

This issue had a dependency on Selenium support for headless.

As an alternative, you can set the useAutomationExtension capability to false as follows:

This capability inturn will help to not load Chrome Automation extension and Failed to load extension popup would not appear. But you will not be able to perform any window resizing/positioning operations without the Chrome automation extension.

Now, Selenium support for headless being resolved ChromeDriver will no longer require this extension and you shouldn't have seen this error/popup.


The simplest solution would be to use the latest version of ChromeDriver and Chrome combination among either of the following:

  • If you are using Chrome version 73, please download ChromeDriver 73.0.3683.20
  • If you are using Chrome version 72, please download ChromeDriver 2.46 or ChromeDriver 72.0.3626.69
  • If you are using Chrome version 71, please download ChromeDriver 2.46 or ChromeDriver 71.0.3578.137
  • For older version of Chrome, please see this discussion.


Some other alternatives are:

  • Add the Registry KeyExtensionInstallWhitelist to whitelist
  • Remove the Registry KeyExtensionInstallBlacklist containing a string key 1 with value *

Loading Of Unpacked Extensions Is Disabled By The Administrator Selenium C#

54.1k14 gold badges56 silver badges104 bronze badges

If you go to chrome://version/ you can see under the Command:

C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe' --disable-background-networking --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --disable-default-apps --disable-extensions --disable-extensions-except='C:UsersInno3AppDataLocalTempscoped_dir80288_6333internal' --disable-hang-monitor --disable-popup-blocking --disable-prompt-on-repost --disable-sync --disable-web-resources --enable-automation --enable-logging --force-fieldtrials=SiteIsolationExtensions/Control --ignore-certificate-errors --log-level=0 --metrics-recording-only --no-first-run --password-store=basic --remote-debugging-port=12354 --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --start-maximized --test-type=webdriver --use-mock-keychain --user-data-dir='C:UsersInno3AppDataLocalTempscoped_dir80288_30914' --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end data:,

This is why it throw error, I don't know why it give error, maybe user policy or Chrome updates?


I believe the argument is added by Selenium, you need the following command to tell selenium to not add it.

In C#:

In Java:


Below code is working fine for me chrome driver 2.41 and browser version 68.0.3440.84

It successfully invokes the chrome browser without any pop-up of 'loading unpacked extension disabled by administrator'

Stephen Rauch
32.1k15 gold badges42 silver badges66 bronze badges
Shirish NagarShirish Nagar

I tried a bunch of things like removing the * entry of Chrome blacklist in Windows registry (which is a painful hack because it will be reversed back couple times a week by the company group policy). I finally came up with the working solution. With the following code, the 'error loading extension' pop up isn't showing up any more.

Roman TorskyiRoman Torskyi

Options.setexperimentaloption('useautomationextension', False);

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