Opengl 4.3 Install Ubuntu

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1 OpenGL Installation on Linux; 2 Libraries; 3 Drivers. Apt-get install build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev # Debian, Ubuntu sudo dnf install make gcc-c # Fedora. I have an Intel i7-4770S. According to the manufacturer page for my driver + integrated graphics, it supports up to OpenGL 4.3. However, when I run. Glxinfo grep 'OpenGL version' I get: OpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 10.1.3 I understand that Ubuntu 16.04 includes OpenGL 4, but I'm trying to avoid having to upgrade for the time being.

I recently upgraded to 14.04, then I installed steam, and TF2. I get this error message:

Could not find required OpenGL entry point 'glGetError'! Either your video card is unsupported, or your OpenGL driver needs to be updated.

Anyway, I know I need to update my OpenGL Driver, my question is how do I do it?

EDIT: I installed mesa and entered glxinfo grep version into Terminal and got this,

New Edit: After looking into the first answer, I did all of the steps, and restarted my computer, when I launched steam on startup, I got the following error,

Andrea Corbellini
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3 Answers

Be careful when using Charles Green's advice.

On the sudo apt-get upgrade step, you might see:

The key part is that the upgrade I wanted to do didn't happen:

You will have to:

I ended up doing:

Opengl 4.3 install ubuntu windows 7

For more information on this problem see: 'The following packages have been kept back:' Why and how do I solve it?


It appears that you have a version of OpenGl, just not one new enough to run the application that you are looking for.

To get a slightly newer version of the OpenGl drivers, I would recommend the oibaf drivers from the launchpad website - these implement OpenGl 3.0, and are pretty stable.

To install open a terminal window and enter

To remove, you can use ppa-purge

Charles GreenCharles Green
15.2k7 gold badges41 silver badges62 bronze badges

I wrote my fix / answer here for this exact same issue:

Have a read


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Install Ubuntu From Usb

I need help setting up OpenGL and SDL on Ubuntu. Is Ubuntu ideal for this kind of graphics development? I have CodeBlocks IDE for C/C++ and I have downloaded the SDL 1.2 libraries. What I am having a hard time to do is to install OpenGL. What are the step that I have to follow?

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Trt TrtTrt Trt
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2 Answers

To setup OpenGL and SDL you should open the terminal and issue the command:

This will install the basic libraries you need to run OGL/SDL applications, after entering the root password.I suggest you to google for synaptic and learn how to use it.

Linux is always a good place to develop something.


What I am having a hard time to do is to install OpenGL

Technically OpenGL is just a specification, implemented by your graphics driver. There's no such thing like a OpenGL SDK library. There's just coming with your driver. To use it, you need bindings for your programming language of choise. If that is C, the 'bindings' consist of just the header files. However you'll probably also want to use OpenGL extensions, which a easiest used using GLEW.

So I suggest you install the GLEW development files, all the other dependencies (including the OpenGL headers) will be pulled in by the package manager:


Opengl 4.3 Install Ubuntu Download


Ubuntu Opengl Version

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