Will Formatting Remove Viruses

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  1. Will Formatting Remove Viruses Free
Computer Viruses/Downloader Viruses/Hard Disk Drives

Yes it will, but it will also remove EVERYTHING on the drive;your personal files, settings, programs, even your operatingsystem.

Don't attempt to format your hard drive unless

I reformatted my pc because it was infected by a virus but i think my pc got. Hi a deep format should, will remove every single file on the hard. Formatting Options. To erase the contents of your hard drive, you can perform a quick, or standard, format or a low-level format. The former will permanently remove the vast majority of malware, but won't have any effect on a bootkit. Unlike a quick format, a low-level format fills the drive with all zeroes, overwriting the boot sector.

A) You are prepared to loose everything on the drive AND youhave experience installing Windows or another operating system.

B) It is a secondary drive (such as an external hard drive)which has no system files AND you are prepared to loose everythingon the drive.

Will formatting your hard drive erase any files on it?

Yes, Surely it will remove everything on hard drive. Formatting a hard drive means to remove everything on hard drive. If you are formatting only a specific drive like C: or D: then the data in only that drive will be removed.

How do you remove a virus without formatting?

You just need to install anti virus like Norton Anti Virus. But some virus can be removed by any anti virus, in that case you have no choice but to format your hard drive

Will reformatting hard drive remove virus?

It will remove the virus (and everything else) from that drive but it will not necessarily remove the virus from the computer.

How do you reset your hard drive?

Formatting, there's no easier way to clean a Hard drive as new like formatting

Will re-installing windows remove virsus from the hard drive?

Formatting the hard drive and reinstalling will remove viruses. You might have to clean the boot sector on your hard drive too, if you caught one of so called boot sector viruses.

Will changing hard drive get rid of virus?

Changing of hard drive to get rid of virus is like changing a house to get rid of a mosquito. A virus is just a software that can be easily remove using a good anti-virus like Comodo.

How do you remove a virus without switching on the computer?

How to remove a virus from your computer in Windows 7?

To remove a virus from Windows 7, install anti-virus software, such as CCleaner, or any other security software program. A last resort method is to simply reformat your hard drive, essentially restoring the hard drive to factory settings.

Will upgrading windows remove virus?

NO. In the absence of anti-virus software that will remove a virus, upgrading will not do the job. Doing a clean install of the full Operating System (OS) after formatting your hard drive is the only solution. The key to a 'clean install' is making sure that your method of formatting wiped the hard drive clean with zeros and ones. ----------- There are other solutions actually. I have not resorted to a format to eliminate… Read More

How do you get rid of Linux?

Does virus crash a hard drive?

Yes, a virus is capable of crashing your hard drive.

How do you completely clear your external hard drive?

You can completely clear your external hard drive by formatting it.

How do you remove Trojan virus after you erased hard drive and reinstalled windows xp?

If you have erased the hard disk then the Trojan is gone.

What is the different between formatting SATA hard disk drive and PATA hard disk drive?

There is difference between SATA and PATA HDD but no difference between the formatting..

Does formatting delete the OS?

Yes, formatting a computer hard drive will delete the operating system.

Can you format your hard drive and install all your old programs and files from your old computer to your new hard drive?

Of course, copy all your programs and files you need from the old hard drive and put it on your new hard drive BEFORE formatting the old hard drive. Formatting your hard drive will mean losing everything and a slim chance of getting it all back.

Why does virus appears in PC even after formatting it?

If a virus persists on a PC even after formatting it is likely that the virus has been inserted into the boot sector of the hard drive - which is not rewritten when you re-format it. Assuming you are running a Microsoft OS, to fix it, boot using the install CD for the OS and run the first Repair option which will load the Recovery Console from a ramdisk (and doesn't use the hard drive… Read More

What does formatting a floppy or hard drive do?

How do you remove all information of computer?

The ONLY sure way is to remove the hard drive and destroy it completely. Less drastic measures that work for most users would include formatting the hard drive and reinstalling the operating system. Short of that, anything you do will leave traces that can be followed and recovered.

What is one virus that destroys data on a hard drive?

Will Formatting Remove Viruses Free

a virus that destroys the hard drive also know as the (d:) is syphillis

How can you permanently remove info from computer?

If you perform low level formatting of Computer Hard Disk Drive , then you erase all the information of your computer system, completely.

If my computer gets a virus can i buy a new hard drive and not worry about the virus and were do the virus go when you get one?

The virus is on the hard drive so if you get a new hard drive the virus will be gone. A cheaper option would be to just reinstall the operating system though. (Vista, Win 7)

When you remove a hard drive does it remove the programs as well?

What is the disk formatting used for?

How do you remove xp pro from your computer?

You have to format your hard drive(s). For that you can use DOS, windows rescue disks, Linux rescue disk (it supports Microsoft formatting).

What are the Negative effects of formatting a hard drive?

It erases the whole thing! any thing you want to save and is only on the hard drive is deleted. ;)

Why formatting delet all pictures?

Formatting a hard drive or memory card means to wipe it clean and prepare it for fresh data.

What is the need of formatting hard drive?

Formatting a hard drive is basically making it brand new. When it is formatted, all of the data is cleared. Compare it to your phone. When you got it, you had no pictures, music, or other data on it. After a while, like a hard drive, your phone gains new data and it's not in the same state as it originally was brand new. When it's formatted, it's reset back to default as a hard… Read More

How do you format a Linux hard drive?

Formatting a hard drive with Linux installed is no different than formatting any other hard drive. If you want to completely format the hard drive, you may insert an installation CD of pretty much any operating system, and as part of the install process you are given the option of formatting the hard drive. You can also use GParted, which is a great Linux native partition editor and with it you can format partitions to… Read More

Can you format the hard drive and keep windows XP installed?

no. formatting a hard drive means completely removing all files, including windows...

What is drive formatting?

Drive Formatting is when you prepare the hard drive or other media for use by the operating system and puts a file system on it such as FAT32 or NTFS. The process erases all the data on your hard drive (important to back it up). That way you can use your hard drive for the first time or get to use it again after the data on it becomes severely corrupted or the operating system… Read More

How do you replace an internal hard drive?

If you are using a laptop, you will have to remove some screws from the bottom and then carefully remove the hard drive using an appropriate tool. If you are using a desktop, you will have to remove a few screws from the back that is holding the hard drive in. You will also have to remove a plug that goes from the hard drive to the computer. Then, do these steps in reverse with… Read More

Formatting a hard drive using anohter hard drive?

You could format two hard drives at same time but both need to be connected by the sata connector cable.

How do you uninstall Windows 7?

Formatting your hard drive will delete everything on it including windows.

What is the maximum major partitions can a hard disks contain?

That depends on the drive and formatting software.

How do you reformat your computer when it is off?

You can't actually reformat when it's off. You'll need to power it up with a bootable CD or floppy disk which has the format command available. Besides, what you are formatting is the hard drive, not the computer. Or you can remove the hard drive from the computer in question and format it in another computer.

How do you wipe your canon copier hard drive clean?

In order to completely wipe a hard drive on a Canon branded copier, one must format the hard drive. Formatting the hard drive will erase all information. The operating system of the copier can then be re-installed.

How do you replace the hard drive on a toshiba p35-s611?

You can access the hard drive from the bottom of the laptop. If you turn the laptop upside down, you'll find the hard drive door under the Toshiba sticker with the laptop serial number. Remove two screws from the hard drive cover and then remove the cover. Slide the hard drive to the right and remove it. Transfer the hard drive bracket to a new hard drive.

How do you remove bloodhound from an external hard drive?

Hopefully you have some anti-virus software. Update the software to the latest version and it will be able to at least quarantine it.

Virus causing external hard drive files hidden.How do i recover my files?

One product for removing a virus from an external hard drive is Malwarebytes Antimalware. Once the virus is removed, the files should reappear.

What file system is used in Windows 7?

Seven uses NTFS, FAT, and FAT32 that I know of. If you are formatting a hard drive, use NTFS. If you are formatting a memory card or usb drive use FAT32.

Can Trojan spyware destroy a hard drive?

Yes, any type of virus has the potential to destroy a hard drive.

When you reformat a mac hard drive in a PC does it stay as mac os?

When you reformat a hard drive you change it to whatever formatting you have selected and it will overwrite whatever format was used before.

Do replacement laptop hard drives require formatting?

Yes. The only exception is whether you are able to ghost the image from the former hard drive to the new hard drive successfully. In that case, no formatting is necessary as that is resolved in the ghosting process. If you wish more details or have further questions, feel free to drop me a line.

If you reinstall windows xp will your computer be virus free?

Not necessary. If you get one of those boot viruses which puts itself in the boot sector even after complete disk format you will still have it. But in most cases complete formatting of the hard drive and fresh installion of OS gives you virus free OS.

How do you remove a partition on a hard drive running Windows 98 without reformatting the hard disk?

Will Formatting Remove Viruses

On a Windows 98 system, there is very likely to only be one partition on the disk. The difference between formatting the disk and deleting the partition would thus be a matter of semantics. Either way, all the data on the hard drive would be gone.

Virus can hide in either of two boot areas of a hard drive?

Can you get rid of a computer virus?

Get Norton anti virus or if that dont work reset your hard drive

What is a sentence using the word virus?

A virus cannot be treated with antibiotics. My computer had a virus, so I had to reformat the hard-drive.

What is the purpose of formatting a storage device?

To install a fresh operating system? Formatting a storage device (internal or external hard-drive, USB stick, etc) empties the stored data and the clean drive can be used again.