Morrowind Merchant Gold Reset

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A leveller mod I've been working on in the last couple of days, you may like it. I tried to unite GCD dynamical attributes and MADD Leveller straightforwardness and easiness of use.

Small homes range in price from 40,000 to 73,000 gold, medium homes go for between 190,000 to 335,000 gold, and large homes will run you from 760,000 to 1,295,000 gold (unfurnished.) To obtain a small, medium, or large home, you must first complete the “A Friend in Need' quest and one associated achievement. Oct 27, 2018 - Very few prices in Morrowind are non-negotiable. Best of all, when the merchant's gold stock resets, whatever gold you sold them will remain.

An xls (Excel) file is included to test your builds. To activate the mod: Alt+M+L in inventory menu.

Download on

This is the readme.


To activate the mod: Alt+M+L in inventory menu. Choose 'Configure', then 'Initialize'.
If you choose 'Initialize' right away, default values will be used.
MorrowindOnce it's initialized, if you want to change settings and reinitialize it, you must first press 'Revert changes'.

Morrowind Gold Code

Morrowind Merchant Gold Reset

Morrowind Merchant Gold Reset Code


Morrowind Merchant Restock

You can choose 'Revert changes' also to perform a clean uninstallation of the mod.

First, it's just two very light scripts, one for initialization, the main script is only run once when you sleep, to update your attributes. Therefore, impact on performance equal zero.
Second, what does this mod do? It's not easy to say it in two words, but I'll give a short explanation. For a better understanding, I include an Excel sheet with tables and a character simulator, where you can see how attributes are calculated, and try out your own character builds.
The main changes that the mod brings are:
Attributes are calculated on the base of your starting values and your skills, with a proportion of these two elements that is influenced by a 'Starting Attribute Factor' that you can configure.
So, skill advancement directly influences attribute advancement. Not at level-up, but continuously. How do skill influence attributes, and which attributes are influenced by which skills?
Skills aren't governed by a single attribute, and each skill influences the development of more than one attribute in different proportions. You can read all this in the Excel file. If I made an example, it would really sound more complicated than it is. You can think of it this way: when you fight with a sword, you don't use just your strength, but also your agility, and something else. When you haggle with a merchant, your personality is important, but why not intelligence? Etc.
How does this translate in the game?
- You still get attribute points at level-up to distribute, but no multipliers.
- Instead, your attributes will improve along with your skills. The way this progression is calculated is a bit compicated, but if you're curious I explain the procedure at the end of this readme file.
- Some skills influence certain attributes more than others. Some skills may be very focused on a certain attribute, while other may spread their influence over more attributes in a more even way.
- The mod cannot detect which your major and minor skills are, but when the mod is first started, skills that are over 30 pts are considered 'major', and their influence on attribute advancement will be multiplied by 3. Skills with over 15 pts will be considered 'minor', and their influence on attribute advancement will be multiplied by 2.
- This has two important consequences, one positive and one negative. The negative side is that if you don't start a new game or have a relatively fresh character, this mod can make your character slightly (or heavily) overpowered. In this case, I suggest you choose the hard difficulty and also a high SAF (read later), so that the influence of your skills on your final values will be smaller. The positive side is that also racial and specialization bonuses have their say in the character advancement, since you can reach 15 points in a skill without it being selected as a minor skill at character generation.
- Another difference is that Luck is a living attribute. It is considered as a measure of the favour of the Divines, and it is influenced by skills like Mysticism or Conjuration, through which you establish a link with the overwordly forces, and by many other skills in a smaller way. The TOTAL influence of all skills is PERFECTLY evenly distributed among attributes. This means that if you raise all of your skills by 100, all of your attributes will be raised in the same way (but remember that skills that are considered major or minor have their effect potentiated).
There are two Esps.
The normal version includes the following (necessary) GMST changes:
- Level Up: 12 skill advancements required (instead of 10), no multipliers.
- skill advancement rates for major/minor skills are slightly slower (from 0.75/1 to 1/1.25 respectively), the one for misc skills is even slower (from 1.25 to 2).
- training cost increased by 150% (from 10 to 25). This is necessary since skills can have a big impact on your attributes values.
The 'More GMSTs' version includes some other GMSTs. The changes are:
- Picking locks is harder, as it is disarming traps. Security advances faster, though.
- less gold from sold potions (iAlchemyMod from 2 to 1).
- more difficult to remain unseen (fSneakViewMult to 2 from 1.5), but sneak advancement is easier, especially while pickpocketing.
- merchant gold isn't reset after one day, but after one week.
- much slower armor skills advancement rate (1/2).
- armorer improves faster slightly faster
You may have other mods that change the same GMSTs, so it will depend on your load order which settings will be used. For example, if you use BTB Improvements (that alters far more settings than this mod), some of them will be different (notably gold from potions, training cost, and merchant gold reset time). Choose the verion that you prefer, but keep in mind that this mod absolutely needs the level up GMSTs to work properly, so keep the esp rather low in your load order (after other GMST changing mods).
In short, how attributes are calculated.
Three things are important:
- Starting attribute value: a fraction of it is automatically transferred to the new value, that is, your new value will never be lower than that fraction of the original value. This fraction is 1/4 for 'Easy' difficulty, 1/8 for 'Normal', and zero for 'Hard'.
- Starting Attribute Factor (SAF, range 0-99): the role of starting values in defining the new values. Default is 50, this means that another 50% of your starting value is transferred to the new value. A SAF of 0 means that only the initial 1/4 is transferred, the rest is derived from skills. This means that your starting attribute values will be very low, but they will advance more swiftly with skill increases. On the other hand, a value of 99 means that your skills will start at a value that is increased by 1/4 compared to vanilla, but they will never increase with skills (maybe 1 point but I doubt it). You'll still receive attribute points at level up in any case (but no multipliers, remember).
- the rest is contributed by skills. How? As I said, each skill can contribute to the advancement of more attributes, in different proportions. There are 27 skills and 8 attributes. I assigned 80 points to each skill, and distributed these points into the attributes they influence. Each attribute will receive 270 points from the various skills.
The formula for the different attributes is the same, the skills that take part to the formula change. For example, this is the Strength formula:
iSTR = initial Strength SAF = said already
iSTR*Difficulty + iSTR*SAF/100 + ( CombatSkills + MagicSkills + StealthSkills ) / ( 270 / ( 1 - SAF/100 ) )
CombatSkills and the other two are the sum of the contributions to Strength from the various skills (each skill = 80 points distributed among different attributes), multiplied for the skill multiplier (SM from now, 1 for misc skills, 2 for minor skills, 3 for major skills).
Example, Armorer. 80 points distributed as follows: 30 STR, 5 INT, 10 WIL, 5 SPE, 30 END. So Armorer contributes for 30 points in the Strength calculation (x1 if misc, x2 if minor, etc.).
Back to the Strength formula, now it will look as follows:
CombatSkills = Armorer*30*SM + Athletics*10*SM + Axe*30*SM + Block*10*SM ... + Spear*30*SM
MagicSkills = 0
StealthSkills = Marksman*20*SM + ShortBlade*10*SM + HandToHand*25*SM
Their sum will be divided by
( 270 / ( 1 - SAF/100 ) )
For a SAF of 50, this will be =135, so:
iSTR/4 + iSTR/2 + ( Armorer*30*SM + Athletics*10*SM + ... + HandToHand*25*SM ) / 135
Low SAF means low initial attribute average, high dependence on skills, high spread over attributes.
High SAF means high initial attributes, no dependence on skills, low spread. Makes PCs more static, if you're after that. And it will make the late game definitely more difficult. I think 50 is a good compromise.
With the Excel file I provided, you'll be able to test your builds. Enjoy.
Final Notes and Warnings:
This mod updates your stats when you sleep. It will only change your attributes and never your skills. But to check your skill values, skill fortifying effects active on your character are removed. This means that if you have a constant effect on you given by items, you'll need to re-equip the item again to restore the effect on yourself. This could also mean that if the effect is given by abilities such as modified birthsigns, then I don't know what could happen. Your fortifying effect could be lost permanently, I mean, but I'm not aware of anything that could cause such a problem.

I think my donation page is now working if you'd like to buy me a beer.
Master Merchant is an upgraded version of Shopkeeper that offers additional features for the Traders and Trading Guilds. Finally, you can see who your Guild’s top sellers are and what they are selling! Your total Guild Sales and Sales Tax income are at your fingertips – any time you’d like to see them! And that’s just the start. Master Merchant also helps you find GREAT DEALS and provides many other trade-related enhancements! Join the many already using Master Merchant.
Try '/mm clean' if you are having data issues.
Or '/mm dups' to look for duplicate sales in your data.
'/mm missing' will rescan the most recent 10 days worth of data.
'/mm help' list some more commands....
Early feedback:
tttosbt999: 'This add-on has totally changed the market for me. What use(d) to take me forever now is a breeze. I actually have time to play the game instead of being consumed by trading. Thanks so much Philgo!'
Karraxx: 'nice work on this addon, makes selling things a thousand times easier'
Recent feedback:
Deltia: 'Great Addon'
Dr._Funkenstein: 'Thanks! I don't know how I survived without this!'
Many: 'What the hell are all these dots, Braille?!?!?'
FreakyFreak: 'The sales chart you added is so <censor> beautiful I was near tears. Not about how it looks, I could care less, but in design. Seriously brilliant. A very nice surprise to see you satisfy a need without letting obvious limitations stop you. Well done.'
Focus your pricing to see recent sales in more detail - check the Settings page for details.
Sales History Scatter Chart is now available as part of the tooltip.
All the dots are a graph of all the sales you've seen, colored to match the guild that made the sale. Price on the left, timeframe on the bottom. Each dot is a unit price of a sale.
Blacklist - Ask MM to ignore guilds/players when calculating prices and graphing sales.
Now with Deal Rating Filtering in Guild Stores with Awesome Guild Store Integration. Install both MM and Awesome Guild Store to get this killer feature!!!
Custom Deal Percent/Color Calculators are now available for purchase. Email me in game or at [email protected] for info.
Introducing DealFinder:
- When you are browsing a Guild Store (including Kiosks), Master Merchant will identify and flag “great deals” and specify how much gold you could potentially make if you buy the items and re-sell it at the average list price in your guild(s). The system uses color coding to rate how good the deal is. White, Green, Blue, Purple Gold. Gold=the BEST deal. Buy it right now!
The same flag existing on your listings page so you can easily see if you've offered the deal you want to.
How to use: Just visit any Guild Store (Bank NPC or Kiosks) and you’ll see a new column in the item listings that will highlight Deals and potential profit!
Trade Guild Tools:
- See your Total Guild Sales, Taxes Collected and Number of transactions based on selectable timeframes!
(Today, Last 3 Days, This Week (starting Monday at Kiosk turnover), Last Week, Prior Week)
How to use: Open Master Merchant and toggle the “Seller Info/Item Info icon to “Seller Info”
You’ll see total sales info for each of your guilds + all of their members.
You can sort on any column by clicking the column header (click to change between high to low and low to high)
- Find out who the top sellers and BUYERS are (and aren't). You can generate a ranked report that lists each guild member, sorted by Sales, Tax, number of transactions, or percentage of overall guild sales, based on selectable Timeframes.
How to use: Type a guild name into the search box and you’ll see Guild Total plus a ranked list of every member.
You can sort on any column by clicking the column header (click to change between high to low and low to high)
- View all guild Transactions, with toggle to view by Buyer Name or Seller Name. See what the best sellers are making their money on!
More enhancements:
- Price Check: With “Stats to Chat”, you can right-click on any item posted in chat and Master Merchant will post sales data into your chat box for you to provide a Price Check to someone!
How to Use: Right click any item posted in chat and select “Stats to Chat”. The stats will be posted in your chat box, you just need to hit <Enter>. Thanks to Mattmillus for some of the Stats to Chat code.
- Automatic Pricing. Master Merchant will remember the price you've listed an item at and automatically insert when you place an item up for sale. (If you haven’t listed the item previously, the average sale price will be inserted instead) It also creates a system message for every listing so you can easily review what you've just put up for sale.
- Enhanced Filtering: When searching for items on the Item info screen, you can narrow items by quality, level, description and set name. For instance “RR45 Blue” would return all blue items for Level 45. “VR12 Blue Ring” would show you sales history for all VR12 Blue quality rings.
How to Use: <Level> <Color> <part of item name> Regular levels=RR, VR Levels=VR. Must add zero for single digit levels.
Syntax: VR01, VR12, RR04, RR45. Colors=White, Green, Blue, Purple, Gold.
Examples: “RR45 Blue”, “VR02 Blue Sword”, “Gold Motif”
- Multi buff potions now price correctly instead of mixing sales numbers.
- Sales Notification Audio: Choose from over 30 sounds for your “Item Sold” notification!
How to Use: Open Settings->Addons->Master Merchant and select the sound from the drop down list. While you're there you can see the other configurable option available.
- Completely reworked data storage to avoid corruption with large volumes / long histories.
For GSA users: After downloading Master Merchant please go to for IMPORTANT upgrade instructions!!
Install Instructions:
Disable all versions of the Shopkeeper add-on and anything that uses LibGuildHistory. (GSA support IS COMPLETE)
Remove Old Shopkeeper code.
This installs like any other add-on, but it will actually install Master Merchant plus 16 other mule add-ons (MM##Data) to carry the data. Master Merchant depends on these additional add-ons, so they mus be enabled along with Master Merchant. This should hopefully allow you to store just about all the sales history you would like, even in the in busiest of trading guilds.
In the Addon directory, you should end up with a MasterMerchant directory and at that same level MM##Data (00-15) directories for the mules.
If you have one, you can try renaming your SavedVariables/Shopkeeper.lua file to MasterMerchant.lua to start with your old Shopkeeper data. I’d give this about a 75% chance of working. If you run into problems just delete the Shopkeeper.lua, MasterMerchant.lua and the 16 MM##Data.lua files from the SavedVariables directory to start over.
Special thanks for their code, help and support:
This is based on the original Shopkeeper code. Original by Khaibit, kept alive by dOpiate & Garkin and continued here.
Those developers deserve many thanks for their previous work on this code, and it’s my privilege to stand on their shoulders.
Khaibit, dOpiate & Garkin
sirinsidiator For Awesome Guild Store and the help with integration between MM and AGS.
Mattmillus/Deome - Some Stats to Chat and Posted Items code from Millus Roster
Ethereal Traders Union
Iron Bank of Bravos
Thanks for downloading and trying out my work. I hope you enjoy it. A little gold in my inbox is always nice...
God Bless,